Friday, June 5, 2020

SELFLESSNESS (A Tale of Che Guevara)

What makes Che Guevara different from other Revolutionaries?

           In my point of view, Che is a Great Human being, rather than creating any boundaries around him, he wants to explore the world and cherish each and every moment. His "hunger to explore the world" led him to scatter his collegiate pursuits with two long introspective journeys that fundamentally changed the way he viewed himself and the contemporary economic conditions in Latin America. Che considered the whole world as One nation and referred the nation has ‘Mother Earth’. He never distinguished the people based on places or vice-versa whereas he believed that, "We should learn to think and act as a mass. It is crime to think as individuals". This line of him state's that, Unity is his main aim.

         In Chile, Che found himself enraged by the working conditions of the miners in Anaconda's Chuquicamata copper mine and moved by his overnight encounter in the Atacama Desert with a persecuted communist couple who did not even own a blanket, describing them as "the shivering flesh-and-blood victims of capitalist exploitation". On the way to Machu Picchu high in the Andes, he was struck by the crushing poverty of the remote rural areas, where peasant farmers cultivated the lands owned by wealthy landlords. In his further journey, Che was especially impressed by the amity among the people living in a leper colony, stating, "The highest forms of human solidarity and loyalty arise among such lonely and desperate people." Che later remarked that through his travels in Latin America, he came in close contact with poverty, hunger and disease. Even bewilderment provoked by the continual hunger and punishment that leads a father to "accept the loss of a son as an unimportant accident". Che strongly convinced himself by the experiences to help these people, he desired to leave the land of medicine and considered the political arena of armed struggle. I personally felt that, Che has taught lending service to humanity is a greatest thing which we can do unconditionally. He never had an idea of being in power, but it happened unknowingly.


           Che Guevara is a selfless Comrade, though he was born in Argentina he fought for Cuba. Che led the Santa Clara group. He doesn’t stop with Cuba Revolution, further moved to Congo and Bolivia to fought for the Rights of People. His stylized visage has become a ubiquitous counter cultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture. Che Guevara Lived for Revolution and died in Revolution.

           He is the only man who made me to believe that, "Being Selfless is the only way to divert the world from hatred to Love." 

             Che Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure, polarized in the collective imagination in a multitude of biographies, memories, essays, documentaries, songs, films and even in this story of mine.

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